• Online Learning for Place-Based Courses
    Zoom Workshop / June 25 / 10:15 am EST
  • 2021年度发表论文-南京财经大学经济学院:2021-7-7 · 资本价格扭曲是产能过剩的加速器吗?——基于中介效应模型的经验考察 经济评论 2021年第5期 杨振兵 32 2021 抗战前中国民营棉纺织企业成长因素分析(1894-1937) 上海经济研究 2021-9-1 姚清铁 33 2021 中国不同所有制部门间的性别歧视 人口与经济 2021(4)
    The Princeton Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism + the Humanities is pleased to announce summer research grants supporting 31 faculty-student collaborations, 28 independent graduate student projects, and 11 independent undergraduate student projects.
  • Introducing the 2024-2021 Mellon Fellows
    Meet Shoshana Goldstein, Sophie Hochhäusl, Adrián Lerner Patrón, and Halimat Somotan
  • Congratulations to the Great Class of 2024
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  • Fall 2024 Urban-Focused Courses
    The Princeton Mellon Initiative is pleased to announce the following sponsored and affiliated courses for Fall 2024. Additional courses will be added over the coming weeks. 
  • On African Urbanism(s): Architecture and Urban Symbology

As cities around the world become increasingly prominent as centers of financial markets, cultural innovation, and international migration it is more urgent than ever that our educational institutions enable teaching and research on urban topics. Urbanization is not only a global phenomenon of physical and cultural restructuring; it has itself become a spatial effect of the distributed networks of communication, resources, finance and migration that characterize contemporary life. The emergence of this global urban culture has had complicated social, aesthetic, economic, physical, and political effects, many of which are still little studied or understood.

The study of the city is fundamentally interdisciplinary. Cities are complex entities that cannot be reduced to a few variables. Moreover, as cities have grown and changed, urbanism is no longer exclusively associated with dense city centers. An increasing awareness of the environmental effects of urban growth means that the city needs to be understood within a larger ecological context. All of this makes the city a fruitful research topic and a rich teaching vehicle across a wide range of fields. The Princeton-Mellon Initiative seeks to advance our understanding of these questions, while also probing unforeseen possibilities.

With the support of the excessⅴpn下载, in 2014 the University launched the Princeton-Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism & the Humanities, an interdisciplinary program that combines the efforts of a diverse group of faculty, programs, and schools to develop a more dynamic and nuanced understanding of urban issues today.


Online Learning for Place-Based Courses
Zoom Workshop / June 25 / 10:15 am EST
Announcing the Summer 2024 Digital Research Grant Awards

The Princeton Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism + the Humanities is pleased to announce summer research grants supporting 31 faculty-...

Introducing the 2024-2021 Mellon Fellows
Meet Shoshana Goldstein, Sophie Hochhäusl, Adrián Lerner Patrón, and Halimat Somotan
Congratulations to the Great Class of 2024

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Fall 2024 Urban-Focused Courses

The Princeton Mellon Initiative is pleased to announce the following sponsored and affiliated courses for Fall 2024.

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